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scarletneedle 04/03/2024 21h12

Mondo Marvel mars 2024
Un teaser pour Blood Hunt dévoilant le Bloodcoven, une armée de vampires spéciaux :


Over the last few weeks, fans have discovered the full scope of BLOOD HUNT, the upcoming Marvel Comics crossover event launching this May.

Centered around a main event series by writer Jed MacKay and artist Pepe Larraz, BLOOD HUNT will see a cursed eternal night wash over Earth, allowing vampires, who have lurked in the shadows since the earliest days of the Marvel Universe, emerge to satisfy their blood lust like never before!

Recent tie-in announcements have revealed which heroes will play pivotal roles in this latest Marvel epic, but the key villains of BLOOD HUNT have been shrouded in darkness—until now! Meet the BLOODCOVEN!

The Bloodcoven are a mysterious and deadly vampire faction consisting of Megrim, Cruel, Unusual, the Damascene, Smoke Eater, and their leader, Bloodstorm One, a clone of Dracula created by Hydra. The group’s motives, powers and abilities will strike unfathomable fear into the hearts of your favorite heroes, and their bloodlust is only matched by their extreme brutality and an undying commitment to a dark master…

"I knew going in that vampires weren't bad enough. If the children of the night were going up against the Avengers, let alone the other heroes of the world, bigger guns were required," MacKay explained. "Hence the Bloodcoven—supervampires, fed on the blood of superhumans that follow different vampiric philosophies, subsisting not only on blood but pain, or magic, or thoughts, or even ghosts! I threw together a list of names and some thoughts about powers, but it was Pepe who really brought these characters to (un)life, creating an extremely gnarly set of predators!"

Written by JED MACKAY
Art and Cover by PEPE LARRAZ
On Sale 5/1

Larraz shed light on his design inspiration for each member of this shadowy faction:


"This one was pretty straightforward. A character wrapped in razor wire by his own will is terrifying enough, so that is what I did. I added the cloud of wires at his feet and neck, always moving like some kind of metal gorgon."
Smoke Eater

"The idea is that he inhales ghosts to acquire their strength in combat, so I made a physical representation of that. He becomes the unification of multiple beings, therefore the multiple limbs, which makes his silhouette pretty recognizable in battle scenes, and makes him one of the heavy hitters of the team. The idea is that he shows all the eyes of the ghosts on his forehead. I have a thing with eyes—on my designs, I either put none or too many!"


"My initial idea was to make them bi-dimensional, like a paper sheet that will cut you when you try to grab it, but it was very difficult to convey that idea in comics, without movement. So I did his body absolutely geometrical to remark the sharpness of the body. Again, I decided to put no face. Expressionless beings are more scary, in my opinion."


"Probably the most vampire-looking of the litter. I hid her face on red cloth but my idea is that the cloth was always drenched in blood. The skirt's folds make shapes like faces screaming of pain. Everything is super intense with her. She must be unbearable."


"The initial idea by Jed was to make him a collage of old engravings, always changing, like some kind of sinister Max Ernst picture in movement, but that would present a copyright issue so I came up with a weird idea. I started with a bunch of parallel lines and used a liquify tool from Clip Studio to make shapes with those lines, and finally adapted these shapes to a human silhouette. It’s probably the weirdest and fastest design I've even done."
Bloodstorm One

"I gave him a lot of thought because I didn't want to do a vampire super hero, but a true monster, who is scary enough that he’s even scared of himself. He hides his true nature under a perfect human shell, like some kind of Michelangelo's David which is rotten inside, twisted, homicidal. The worst monster of all is the one who wants to look as the perfect human. The armor is an homage to Vlad Tepes' armor from Coppola's Dracula film, which seemed to me like a proper reference."

bukowski 05/03/2024 00h59

J'adore les designs de ces personnages. J'ai hâte de les voir à l'œuvre.

captain Kimchi 05/03/2024 06h47


Cruel à l'air top. Son visuel donne plein d'idée...

Fred le mallrat 05/03/2024 07h59

Je trouve que ça ressemble à l ordre noir et tous les mechants hickmanien (les mutants d arako) ou les mechants qu on a la dans svengers..

Ça me rappelle la période sinistre, reavers, apocalypse, mechants d xforce à l époque.. du générique du zeitgeist

mrcitrouille 05/03/2024 08h25

Assez d'accord avec Fred, des design "cool" pour des personnages pseudo cool (cf. les Avengers du même McKay) dont Marvel ne fera rien

Zeid 05/03/2024 15h16

Les designs sont incroyables et suffisant à capter mon intérêt pour cet event pour lequel je n'éprouvai guère d'intérêt... toutefois, ils me font aussi penser à ces vilains du run actuel d'Avengers (évoqués par mrcitrouille), et je crains qu'ils ne soient que ça: des designs.

scarletneedle 05/03/2024 17h50

Et pis des vampires surpuissants restés dans l'ombre depuis des années... :D

captain Kimchi 05/03/2024 18h07

Je suis d'accord avec vous tous.
Mais quand je vois "cruel" je ne peux m'empêcher de penser aux interactions avec magnéto et toute la symbolique que cela peut générer.
Il a vraiment du potentiel.

à voir comment ils seront tous utilisés, même si le précédent "avenger" ne joue pas en leur faveur.

ollieno 06/03/2024 16h35

tiens , ils ont été rechercher les les design fait pour la Razorline de Clive Barker?? ca fait bcp Hellraiser ces designs....

scarletneedle 06/03/2024 21h03

Le 5 juin, pour clôturer l'ère Krakoa et fêter la franchise X, voici X-Men #35 alias X-Men #700 :


In July 2019, the world of the X-Men was shattered and reborn on Krakoa in visionary writer Jonathan Hickman’s HOUSE OF X. In the years since, fans have experienced a golden age of mutant storytelling, filled with bold ideas, astonishing character developments, and revolutionary new takes on the mutant metaphor.

Now, the next seminal shift in the history of the X-Men is on the horizon, but first, Marvel Comics proudly presents the final act of the Krakoan Age this June in X-MEN #35! X-MEN #35 will be the milestone 700th issue of UNCANNY X-MEN and will feature an epic-length story by acclaimed writers and artists who shaped the Krakoan Age, including Gerry Duggan, Kieron Gillen, Al Ewing, Lucas Werneck, Joshua Cassara, and more.

The giant-sized issue will also feature a story of family by X-Men master Chris Claremont and offer a glimpse of things to come in the new X-Men titles launching this summer. It’s a landmark issue for one of pop culture’s most beloved franchises that no comic book fan will want to miss!

All good things must come to an end, and as good of a thing as the Krakoan Era has been for mutantkind… its time has come at last. The tragedy and triumph of FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X, the madness and mystery of RISE OF THE POWERS OF X… they have all come to their end and led to this moment that will change the future of mutantkind for years to come.

On closing out this groundbreaking period of the mutant mythos, Senior Editor Jordan D. White shared, "Being a part of the Krakoan experiment has been a true thrill. Honestly—in many ways—it echoed the experience of mutantkind itself in the era. We worked differently, we tried new things, we survived incredible new experiences. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have worked with such fantastically talented creators throughout the era, and working on the glorious ending is truly bittersweet. I will miss it with my whole heart, but I do know… Krakoa will live on within us forever."

X-MEN #35 (LEGACY #700)
Wraparound Cover by PEPE LARRAZ
On Sale 6/5

scarletneedle 06/03/2024 21h04

Et Hickman n'a même pas la décence d'y participer...
Ou alors Marvel ne le lui a même pas demandé quand ils le mentionnent d'entrée.

Je ne sais pas ce qui serait pire.

ollieno 06/03/2024 21h20

Ca sera le second issue de la periode krakoa que j'acheterai, mais en regardant les noms.. y' a pas le choix ^^

Enzo 07/03/2024 09h29

La série X-Men adjectiveless va donc enfin pouvoir récupérer son propre legacy numbering (après avoir atteint l'étape du #300 il y a dix ans de cela), dès qu'Uncanny X-Men sera relaunché cet été.

NRV 07/03/2024 10h15

Donc, pour moi qui n'ai pas lu de X-Men depuis plus de 3 ans, quand je regarde cette illustration, j'en déduis que Jean et Scott se sont remis ensembles.
Et que Kurt et Piotr ont la barbe.
Autre chose?

Rogue et Gambit sont toujours mariés?

Enzo 07/03/2024 11h15


Envoyé par NRV (Message 1951693)
Donc, pour moi qui n'ai pas lu de X-Men depuis plus de 3 ans, quand je regarde cette illustration, j'en déduis que Jean et Scott se sont remis ensembles.
Et que Kurt et Piotr ont la barbe.
Autre chose?

Rogue et Gambit sont toujours mariés?

Yep (avec leur bande de chats en guise de bébés).


Envoyé par NRV (Message 1951693)
Autre chose?

Rachel Summers & Betsy Braddock (devenue Captain Britain)
Quentin Quire & l'une des steford chuckoos
Doug s'est marié lors d'X of Swords
Diablo semble avoir fréquenté Silver Sable dernièrement
Apocalypse a affronté son ex (la mère de sa progéniture)
Le trouble Cyclope/Jean/Wolverine (plus ou moins suggéré)
Ororo est en couple avec un astronaute sans pouvoirs
Emma marié (sous un autre nom) avec Tony Stark
Kwannon & Greycrow
Daken & Aurora

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