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scarletneedle 02/06/2015 23h06

Years of Future Past #2
Source Comic Book Resources

Marguerite Bennett (W), Mike Norton (A), Art Adams (C)

* Freed from their military prison, the X-Men race through the ruins of the city to rescue their teammates from a terrible fate!

* Horrified by what mutants must do to survive, Kate Pryde and her family must struggle to find a way to save their people--and seek out the haven where a dire weapon waits

32 pages, $3.99.

Une interview de Marguerite Bennett : ici.

ericvil 03/06/2015 00h09

y a que wolverine qui vieillie? :ouf:

funky steel monkey 03/06/2015 00h16

Bah non on a bien la "vieille" Kitty et Colossus semble avoir pris un coup de vieux, il m'a bien l'aird'avoir les cheveux poivre et sel.

Man-Thing 03/06/2015 06h19

Sympa, la sentinelle Doom!
J'avais jamais fait gaffe au fait que le Doom géant du secret wars de 84-85 (celui qui avait perdu sa cape pour simplifier le design et créer un jouet moins dur à fabriquer, enfin c'est comme ça que je le vois) et Darkseid se ressemblent énormément.

scarletneedle 25/06/2015 17h27

Marguerite Bennett (W), Mike Norton (A), Art Adams (C)
* Freed from their military prison, the X-Men race through the ruins of the city to rescue their teammates from a terrible fate!
* Horrified by what mutants must do to survive, Kate Pryde and her family must struggle to find a way to save their people--and seek out the haven where a dire weapon waits
32 pages, $3.99.

gobius 25/06/2015 17h45

le 1 était très correct. Je suis curieux de voir la suite.

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