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Vieux 26/07/2020, 18h05
Avatar de scarletneedle
scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
-Gardien du Temple-
Date d'inscription: août 2022
Localisation: Manhattan, au bout d'une toile
Messages: 59 259
scarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossier
Jae Lee ne l'a pas si bien pris que cela malgré le retour de Tom King surtout qu'il venait de perdre son chien :

Two weeks ago, June and I took Loki to San Diego to see a specialist. He did not survive due to complications from the surgery. This past Friday was supposed to be a day of mourning. We were back in San Diego to pick up his ashes. We were going to take him to the beach and comfort each other by sharing our favorite stories about our little boy.

Instead, a part of the internet I avoid like the plague came barging in. I had companies I'm working for calling me, friends reaching out to me. I'm seeing hate pouring out of strangers' mouths, accusing me of things I have no knowledge of.

I'm seeing first hand how fast lies are spreading. Let me be clear, I'm not part of ANY group.

We never made it to the beach. We spent the entire six hour drive back home on an emotional roller coaster.

I'm writing this because I'm angry. These irresponsible tweets are not harmless. They do not just go away. They have real world consequences. They can take away your job. Your life. Your memories. June and I were robbed of a special day. So, no, we're not "all good."

This isn't the start of a conversation. This is the end. So please, don't drag me into a world I never wanted to be a part of, nor will I ever want to be a part of.

I want to honor Loki by going back to producing art made with love. For people who enjoy it for what it is. Something that hopefully brings joy into their lives.

Mommy and Daddy miss you so very much, Loki, our love.
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
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