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Vieux 12/02/2008, 20h31
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-Sentinelle du Temple-
Date d'inscription: novembre 2003
Localisation: Le Mans
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Dark Horse Star Wars: Dark Times #9

Star Wars: Dark Times #9 will arrive in stores on Feb. 13 from Dark Horse Comics. The issue is written by Mick Harrison, with art by Dave Ross and a cover by Zach Howard.

Here's how Dark Horse describes the issue:

"'Parallels,' part four. Bomo Greenbark and his companions have been imprisoned, enslaved, and tortured, but now Bomo has found a way out. Freedom beckons, but honor demands he take action to free his friends. And action means his captors are about to see a very, very dangerous side of him. Meanwhile, Master K'Kruhk discovers that those under his protection are more in need of it than ever."

Star Wars: Dark Times #9 will be 40 pages and will cost $2.99.

Source : Comics Continuum
Rétrospective Captain Marcel sur mon blog

Marcel Duo : Le Sage et l'Impétueux : Sergent Marcel et Adam Space contre ... Djokessada ?!?, avec Tandhruil.

Sergent Marcel : Rapports non protégés : une BD cosmique avec Satanispunkrocker

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