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Vieux 02/10/2014, 00h45
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Great Cakes Avenger
Date d'inscription: août 2012
Messages: 39
cosmos change la caisse du Fauve
Peter David a [URL=""]commenté lui-même[/URL] : [B]All-new X-Factor[/B] ne sera pas annulée au chapitre #19 ! ...elle le sera au chapitre #20 :'(

[QUOTE=Peter David]This isn’t a secret because I announced it back at Dragon*Con, but Bleeding Cool seems compelled to announce it incorrectly by stating that X-Factor is cancelled with #19.

Which is not true. It’s cancelled with #20.

Also for some reason Bleeding Cool is associating it with the fact that Quicksilver will be returning to the Avengers and that’s why the book is going away. No, it’s because not enough people are buying it. Which is exactly the reason they cancelled “Gambit” as well, so it’ll probably be a long time before he gets to star in another book.

All I did was write a book that got tons of positive write-ups. Which I guess is enough to encourage people to buy it when it comes out in trades, oblivious to the fact that books get cancelled when you do that. Whatever.

Me, I remember when Rich Johnston used to write to me for confirmation before running stuff. Apparently that’s no longer the case.

"It's not about adding diversity for the sake of diversity, it's about subtracting homogeneity for the sake of realism."
une cacahuète dans la nuit.