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Vieux 30/08/2013, 13h25
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-Généalogiste Sénile-
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michel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Buildingmichel lave ses slips au Baxter Building
RE-lire "A Game of Thrones" après avoir lu les 5 tomes déjà sortis permet de voir à quel point GRRM adore faire du "foreshadowing", ce dont on ne peut bien sûr pas se rendre compte à la première lecture. Le dernier exemple que je viens de trouver : on n'apprend qu'en fin de tome 3 qui a vraiment tué Jon Arryn, mais on pouvait s'en douter dès le tome 1 en rapprochant ces deux passages.

Le premier est tiré de Eddard VI, au tiers du tome. Ned réfléchit à ce qu'il a appris des 4 personnes encore présentes à King's Landing et qui ont cotoyé Jon Arryn :

It sounded as if this boy would be even less use than the others. And he was the last of the four Littlefinger had turned up. Jory had spoken to each of them in turn. Ser Hugh had been brusque and uninformative, and arrogant as only a newmade knight can be. If the Hand wished to talk to him, he should be pleased to receive him, but he would not be questioned by a mere captain of guards... even if said captain was ten years older and a hundred times the swordsman. The serving girl had at least been pleasant. She said Lord Jon had been reading more than was good for him, that he was troubled and melancholy over his young son's frailty, and gruff with his lady wife. The potboy, now cordwainer, had never exchanged so much as a word with Lord Jon, but he was full of oddments of kitchen gossip: the lord had been quarreling with the king, the lord only picked at his food, the lord was sending his boy to be fostered on Dragonstone, the lord had taken a great interest in the breeding of hunting hounds, the lord had visited a master armorer to commission a new suit of plate, wrought all in pale silver with a blue jasper falcon and a mother-of-pearl moon on the breast. The king's own brother had gone with him to help choose the design, the potboy said. No, not Lord Renly, the other one, Lord Stannis.

Le deuxième est tiré de Catelyn VIII, au trois-quart du tome. Catelyn se souvient dans quelles circonstances glaciales elle est partie de chez sa soeur après le procès de Tyrion :

She ought not to be so open in her contempt, she knew, but her parting from the Eyrie had not been pleasant. She had offered to take Lord Robert with her, to foster him at Winterfell for a few years. The company of other boys would do him good, she had dared to suggest. Lysa's rage had been frightening to behold. "Sister or no," she had replied, "if you try to steal my son, you will leave by the Moon Door." After that there was no more to be said.

J'adore particulièrement comment dans le premier passage l'info importante est noyée au milieu de trucs complètement anecdotiques ! Il est quand même fortiche le George

Les récaps (rigolotes) de Game of Thrones Saison 5

Stannis à Davos : On n'a rien pu faire, ils étaient au moins genre vingt-deux et puis y en avait un torse nu.
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