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Vieux 23/12/2015, 08h41
Jeremiah Jeremiah est déconnecté
Date d'inscription: mai 2010
Messages: 739
Jeremiah change la caisse du Fauve
De tristes nouvelles de Don Perlin

Je ne sais pas si je poste dans la bonne section.

Clifford Meth a lancé une campagne pour aider Don Perlin (werewolf, defenders, ghost rider, shadowman, solar man...)

[QUOTE]When artist DON PERLIN recently had surgery to stop bleeding in his head, I contacted him after the operation to see how I could help. He indicated that he was fine. But he wasn't. They discovered more bleeding and today, as Don described it, they removed a piece of his skull the size of a creditcard and then put in a Titanium plate. He's stuck in rehab now which his Medicare and insurance do not cover. So let's help this man.


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