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Vieux 11/05/2024, 15h12
Avatar de scarletneedle
scarletneedle scarletneedle est déconnecté
-Gardien du Temple-
Date d'inscription: août 2022
Localisation: Manhattan, au bout d'une toile
Messages: 59 283
scarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossierscarletneedle est en 3D comme le Black Dossier
Tom Brevoort fait son boulot de VRP et vend X-Force :

"X-Force, in terms of description, is probably closest to Warren Ellis' Planetary. On the surface, it looks like a typical X-Force team, traditionally defined as the X-Men's kill squad. I'm kind of of the belief that the X-Men shouldn't have a kill squad, you know, for all that, our good guys go to Wolverine and say, "Hey, we need you to get a bunch of guys to, like, kill a bunch of people so our hands are clean and we could pretend to be moral while knowing about it and sanctioning it." That doesn't make any sense to me. Anyway, X-Force is centered around Forge. Forge has had a vision, and its caused him to build something. The thing he's built predicts fracture points, moments and places in the world where a crisis is going to occur if something isn't done. Forge has assembled X-Force as the machine to deal with those crises. So the membership, who's in it, what they do, how they do it, is all built almost on an unconscious level because it's an outgrowth of Forge's maker power to put together the right elements to deal with the situation.

"We'll also, fairly routinely in that book, have extra characters as guest stars and hangers-on in the way that Deadpool is in the first issue. But, you know, there's a larger thing going on. In that "Planetary" sense, not only are Forge and the X-Force characters getting involved in all these weird happenings around the world, but they begin to suss out the pattern behind them Da Vinci Code style. There's something bigger brewing behind all of that that we will slowly peel the onion layers back from and get to. But it's, you know, like, literally, they don't have headquarters. Their headquarters is a self-repairing Blackbird that they fiy around on. They don't do wheels down unless something's going on. They're just on the go constantly."
Il a peut-être besoin de le relire...

Et le Blackbird est donc une sorte de Tardis...
Alan Moore :
"I should just keep me mouth shut, I just upset people."
Ma galerie sur Comic Art Fans
Réponse avec citation

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